Community, Education, Service, & Advocacy
Transforming grief and trauma through safe healing communities.
We don’t just survive, we thrive!
A recent meta-study found that major depressive episodes, acute anxiety, and serious psychological impairments in youth (ages 13 – 19) have increased by more that 60% between 2009 and 2017, which is impacting the younger generation’s ability to learn, develop healthy relationships, communicate, and thrive (Twenge et al., 2019).
Live Like Goose is a nonprofit organization that offers ongoing, long-term education, direct services, and support through mindfulness and holistic modalities to children and adults who are experiencing grief and trauma. We believe the path to recovery and resiliency is through a holistic community approach that practices creative expression, body awareness, and holistic psychology to achieve recovery, wellness, and a better quality of living.
Our Core Values: Community, Education, & Service
* Juvenile Justice Alternative *
We collaborate with schools and juvenile justice programs to create an alternative to detention or incarceration. Instead of a punitive system, we offer education, social and emotional learning, emotional awareness and processing, community support, accountability and relational repair. The core foundation intention of treating those in juvenile hall at the core source, and not just punishing the behavioral symptom. Providing the education, therapy, and community needed to the youth. We were literally and metaphorically invited to sit at the table – bringing our experience and support of trauma and grief recovery to the youth and teens in need. All us (youth and adults) were sitting around a table having real conversations, genuinely engaged with the care and desire to support a different path.
* Trauma-Informed Educator, Staff, Facilitator Training *
Working with educators and staff training to teach differently, to support the students in a different way, a way that the current systems have not been nurturing the students in a way that they need now. Working with a local high school training a group of teachers how to teach differently, how to shift pedagogy. The trainings educate the teachers on how to identify the students who are struggling as well as how to adapt teaching methods to best help the students, particularly in crisis. Practicing the skill how to connect and present in a different way that all the needs and the levels of the students are met.
* Mindfulness Education *
Live Like Goose is using Mindful Schools education along with emotional and social learning techniques to offer a restorative alternative to standard punitive detention programs in schools. Our goal is to help at-risk your learn how do identify emotions, gain the ability to chose their action rather than acting out in reaction. Once emotions are identified, we teach how to work with it to help process through the emotion holistically in a safe healing community environment.
Current Partnerships

High School
Bret Harte
High School
High School
Richmond PAL
(Police Activites League)